HeadStart Summer Senior College Prep Workshop
(2 day workshop w/3rd day option for overnight campus visit to
Kansas State University)
As the College and Career Coordinator for the #1 Best High School in Kansas 2014 according to the Washington Post, I understand the demands and pressures that high school counselors have trying to balance a large caseload while still working to provide the best possible services to senior students as they go through the college planning process. That is why my goal is to offer best practices, tools, and resources directly to you juniors or seniors to matriculate on to the college of your dreams.
I am offering a 2 or 3-day (option) HeadStart Summer Senior College Prep Workshop that will help you to complete the process or assist your junior in getting a HeadStart on the college process. My goal is to assist all students Kansas or Missouri (because I am certified secondary teacher and administrator in both states).
I look forward to connecting with you in the near future. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments, or concerns related to HeadStart “Summer Senior College Prep” Workshop. The cost is $100 2-day workshop or $150 2-day workshop & overnight campus stay at Kansas State University (meals & transportation included).
Dates: May 28, 29 & 30, 2014
Location: Kansas City Kansas Main Library, 625 Minnesota Ave.
Peace & Blessings,
Dr. Tammy Counts, Workshop Presenter
Co-Founder and Curriculum Specialist
Nicodemus Educational Camps
(913)302-4600 or tcounts58@yahoo.com